Powell River, B.C., Canada
Is a 38 ft. diesel powered, 8 knot heavily laid up fiberglass displacement hull vessel built in 1980 to an Edwin Monk design as a west coast troller. Converted to a personal west coast exploration vehicle and day tour dive charter vessel in 2008-2009. GRADIENT operates on the North Sunshine Coast from her home port of Powell River. She moves between being based out of Powell River, Lund, Saltery Bay, Okeover Inlet and sometimes Pender Harbour. Gradient is a good stable dive platform with an easy to use custom dive ladder, large swim grid for cameras and gear, boom and lifting gear for 500 lb. and under ROV's and tech gear, that carries up to eight divers comfortably. Contact by email at bmckinn@telus.net for more information regarding rates and charter availability. We can also be found on Facebook as Bill McKinnon

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

March 22, 2010
Back up in Desolation Sound with Andi, Scott and Wayne exploring. Finding some good walls looking for more.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

March  20, 2010

Oops, got too busy dive exploring to blog. We are looking for new sites and revisiting old ones in Desolation Sound at present. so far have dove Sky Pilot rock,Pringle rock
Curme Isl's. Bold head area, Okeover caves and some others in Okeover inlet
Weather has been great,Vis very good.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Moving Again.
Lots of work going on at Lund dock for the next couple weeks with float replacement.
We have moved Gradient to Okeover Inlet for this time frame to do a bit of exploration looking for the wreck of a small freighter from the 1920s rumoured to have sunk after striking Boundary Rock at the south end of the Goode Peninsula and also to see if we can find some more caves and good wall dives.
The extra 100 feet of new dock will great for Lund.

Weather was too poor to get a good anchor set at Kinghorn Isl. so we went directly to Bunster Pt. in Lancelot inlet for a wall dive exploration .
No caves and not a ton of fish but spectacular wall and topography.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Mar 5, 2010.
Great day for diving on wreck Capilano.
Sunny, calm and almost tropical with minor imagination.
Good visability, tons of good size rockfish a monster yellow eye and lots of large lingcod.
A great day with good company. Apologies for keeping Ben away from work.