Powell River, B.C., Canada
Is a 38 ft. diesel powered, 8 knot heavily laid up fiberglass displacement hull vessel built in 1980 to an Edwin Monk design as a west coast troller. Converted to a personal west coast exploration vehicle and day tour dive charter vessel in 2008-2009. GRADIENT operates on the North Sunshine Coast from her home port of Powell River. She moves between being based out of Powell River, Lund, Saltery Bay, Okeover Inlet and sometimes Pender Harbour. Gradient is a good stable dive platform with an easy to use custom dive ladder, large swim grid for cameras and gear, boom and lifting gear for 500 lb. and under ROV's and tech gear, that carries up to eight divers comfortably. Contact by email at bmckinn@telus.net for more information regarding rates and charter availability. We can also be found on Facebook as Bill McKinnon

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Windy day so another shore dive at Mermaid with a large Saturday group.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Big thanks to Pam Oliva at DUI for great customer service on my CF200 drysuit. It is always a pleasure to do business with a company that cares about its products and the people using them.

Played a bit of hooky on the new kitchens electrical project and got a fine shore dive on the Mermaid wall with Andi and Bruce.

Monday, October 18, 2010

We had a great sunny fall day diving on the south end of Cortez Island  yesterday and on a pinnacle in the area. Good to see a wolf Eel and a shy and quickly retiring octopus. New camera is a delight.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Here are a couple more shots from the wreck of the Chemainus dive yesterday.
Been a long time again between posts but finally got away from the dock for a couple dives on Kinghorn Island west walls and wreck of tug Chemainus.
Hope to get out regularly now with camera and put fresh  posts up every couple weeks at maximum.