Powell River, B.C., Canada
Is a 38 ft. diesel powered, 8 knot heavily laid up fiberglass displacement hull vessel built in 1980 to an Edwin Monk design as a west coast troller. Converted to a personal west coast exploration vehicle and day tour dive charter vessel in 2008-2009. GRADIENT operates on the North Sunshine Coast from her home port of Powell River. She moves between being based out of Powell River, Lund, Saltery Bay, Okeover Inlet and sometimes Pender Harbour. Gradient is a good stable dive platform with an easy to use custom dive ladder, large swim grid for cameras and gear, boom and lifting gear for 500 lb. and under ROV's and tech gear, that carries up to eight divers comfortably. Contact by email at bmckinn@telus.net for more information regarding rates and charter availability. We can also be found on Facebook as Bill McKinnon

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Got out for a couple splashes with the sea lions at Malahat. On the first dive three of them were all around Bruce and I but only had macro lens so missed a great opportunity for photos but had a lot of fun. Next time with Wayne and Mitch I had a wide angle ready but we barely saw them at a bit of a distance as we were coming back along the breakwater. I will go back and try a few more times in the near future.
Lots of great nudibranchs on the breakwater.

Water is 45 deg f vis at about 70 ft and a bit turbid  for this time of year.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Went for shore dive at mermaid wall looking for a large octopus that had been seen recently in a large crack. Saw no octopi but met a couple of rockfish and a crab who were very keen on being photographed close up.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Another crisp day visit to Octopus City. Did not have Ben's strobe as bait so did not get much shooting of the friendly but shy fellow.
did manage quite a few shots of  hooded nudibranchs .Water temperature was 43 deg F and vis was 80 ft with some fresh water mixing

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Years day dive.

 New Years day dive with a group from the Alpha Dive Shop to Octopus City.
Crisp sunny afternoon. water temp was 45 deg. F , vis at 100 ft plus and clear.
 Saw a couple octos for first time at this site, and lots of hooded nudibranchs on eelgrass among other things. Hey, even saw one octopus lay a mitt on Bens strobe.

 Great afternoon