Powell River, B.C., Canada
Is a 38 ft. diesel powered, 8 knot heavily laid up fiberglass displacement hull vessel built in 1980 to an Edwin Monk design as a west coast troller. Converted to a personal west coast exploration vehicle and day tour dive charter vessel in 2008-2009. GRADIENT operates on the North Sunshine Coast from her home port of Powell River. She moves between being based out of Powell River, Lund, Saltery Bay, Okeover Inlet and sometimes Pender Harbour. Gradient is a good stable dive platform with an easy to use custom dive ladder, large swim grid for cameras and gear, boom and lifting gear for 500 lb. and under ROV's and tech gear, that carries up to eight divers comfortably. Contact by email at bmckinn@telus.net for more information regarding rates and charter availability. We can also be found on Facebook as Bill McKinnon

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Monthly Sunday Charter

Many thanks again for the support of everyone who participated in today's first charter from newly redone  north harbour  of Powell River to Vivian Island wall.
Visability was fair under 50 feet. Water temp a balmy 48F at  about 120 feet.
We saw rockfish galore,some monstrous Puget Sound king crabs,  a decorated warbonnet hanging out in the boom chain fixing the float to the bottom, many king size ling cod and  numerous cloud sponges.
I will post the date of July's charter by the end of next week.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Reminder of June 26 Sunshine Coast Dive Club Charter

Hi I just wanted to post a reminder of this upcoming weekends charter

Gradient Charters June 26 scheduled $65.00 self guided dive charter will be leaving from Powell River's north harbour new floats, slip # 28   (at far north end of North harbour north of  small boat launch) at 10:30 for Vivian Island wall dive with second dive likely being on remains of tug Shamrock.We look forward to seeing you there. Please pay in advance at Alpha Dive,  Suncoast Diving or cash only on Sunday. Please make your intentions known in advance and secure a spot by Friday afternoon.

Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Nanaimo Dives ,Cape Breton and Saskatchewan

No photo's of this one. Ouch!
 Visability was good at about 80+ feet.
I went  Sunday with Jim Rossi and a group from Greg McCraken's, Ocean Quest dive centre aboard Sea Dragon Charters ,Sea Dragon skippered by Mamro Adventures Dan Ferris.
I really must get on another of these with a camera in my hands. Coast guard hovercraft arrived and deployed surface supply divers on Saskatchewan  as we were doing our surface interval after dive on Cape Breton. We met one of these divers on our second dive on the Saskatchewan. There was plenty to see and lots of life on both of these artificial reef's. Jim and I saw the largest Yelloweye rockfish we have ever seen and Stuart's group saw a wolf eel on the Cape Breton. Both are amply covered in plumose anemones and present great diving for a broad spectrum of divers.

Many thanks to Jim, Greg , Dan and Christine for a great couple dives on two must see artificial reefs.