Powell River, B.C., Canada
Is a 38 ft. diesel powered, 8 knot heavily laid up fiberglass displacement hull vessel built in 1980 to an Edwin Monk design as a west coast troller. Converted to a personal west coast exploration vehicle and day tour dive charter vessel in 2008-2009. GRADIENT operates on the North Sunshine Coast from her home port of Powell River. She moves between being based out of Powell River, Lund, Saltery Bay, Okeover Inlet and sometimes Pender Harbour. Gradient is a good stable dive platform with an easy to use custom dive ladder, large swim grid for cameras and gear, boom and lifting gear for 500 lb. and under ROV's and tech gear, that carries up to eight divers comfortably. Contact by email at bmckinn@telus.net for more information regarding rates and charter availability. We can also be found on Facebook as Bill McKinnon

Friday, December 31, 2010

Iron Mines macro's

Went out yesterday on a sunny crisp day for a great couple dives at the Iron Mines site. Diligent One came alongside and Andi, Ben, Gary,Bill, Susie, Helen and Anjie all hung out or dove. there were a couple stellar Sea lions hanging around on the second dive along with the largest ever puget sound king crab we have seen. Ben may have got some good video of the sea lions while Bill had his face to the wall with the macro lens. Looks like the eyes have it on this day. Vis was great at 100ft plus.
I hope 2011 is a great year for everybody diving. Please feel free to post a comment when you are here.
Hope you like the photo's!

1 comment:

  1. OK I posted under wrong dive-duh-thanks Bill had an awesome time on your lovely boat, and the diving was spectacular-as was the company!!!! Dive professionals and Stellar Sea Lions! Cant beat it-thankyou for fixing my free flowing octopus in true Canadian stye-with a good bashing-saved my day and gave me two wonderful dives
